Monday, February 28, 2005

Naruto 123: What does it mean when there's a picture of a skull?

Good stuff!

Lee's back! AND drunken boxing!!!

So they spoiled it in last week's teaser, but it was still nice to see the admirable green beast back in action. I just hope the animation next week is up to the challenge of animating Chan-style drunken boxing.

Did anyone else think the Naruto/Kimimaro fight was rather disappointing? Naruto basically phoned his performance in. Normally he would throw everything into a fight and at least have some trick in mind. Here, he just makes swarms of kagebunshins and lets them attack in small groups. Weak. Kimimaro, while being impressively strong and fast, doesn't do anything too deadly or creative. This guy was supposed to be be Orochimaru's vessel? I suppose, then the point for this is to pull out all the stops for the Kimimaro/Rock Lee fight.

And if Sasuke's finally out of the bucket, does this mean he won't be on Bleach for a while?


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